As you know Stephen and I moved back to WA this summer in hopes that Stephen would be drafted this year. Although Stephen had a AMAZING year he was not selected in the 2011 MLB Draft. This came as a shock to not only Stephen, his family and I but also the head of The Major League Scouting Burro. Stephen had a great year... The only explanation was that it was not Gods plan for our life at this time. Baseball has been Stephen's life for as long as he can remember, but for some reason this news seemed harder for me to deal with then it was for him. God has given Stephen peace about it, and as if that's not good enough he has given him joy in pursuing other jobs. Stephen moved back to Texas on August 17, 2011. He will be graduating in June and playing his last year at Texas Tech. Hes excited to just enjoy the game again. He will keep the option of playing professional baseball in the future open, but is now pursuing other careers and his excited for this new chapter in his life.
As for me I am living in Washington with my family. I was offered a job at St. Clare Hospital working as a Phlebotomist. They offered me the job before we knew Stephen would be going back to Texas. After we found out he would be leaving, I decided to stay here and work so that we could say money and hopefully buy a house in the next year or two. I also want the hospital to like me so that they will hire me back in June. Well its only been to weeks and I cant stand it any longer. I miss him so much. I have booked a flight for the end of October (55 days left.) I have also decided to stay through December so that we can save money as long as we can. Ill be moving back down to Texas in January, I have a few job options so we will see what happens. I realized now more then ever that family comes first. I know that there is a reason for everything, and above all I know that God's plan for our life is much greater then our plans for our life.