Monday, June 6, 2011

Moving Back Home

Well we are working on our third move in the past two years.  We moved to Lubbock Texas from Gig Harbor Washington where both Stephen and I grew up.  Stephen was offered a schalarship to play baseball at Texas Tech University.  We were married and moved there a few days later.  We moved once while in Texas and now we are on our way back to Washington.  We could not have done these moves without the help of good family and friends.  My mom flew down to help me drive, we were able to stay at our friends house when our lease was up, and we had a lot of help moving, so thank you all! We are in AZ now visiting family before we finish the 3 day drive back home. We got to see most of my aunts, uncles, cuzens, and my great grandma.  We have been staying with my Aunt Jenny and Uncle Mark's home.  I am so thankful for the time I get to spend with my Uncle, there is no other person I would rather stay with or spend my time with while I am here.  I wish I lived closer so I could see him more. He has a heart condition and we don't know how much longer he has... Nothing breaks my heart more then to say goodbye to him.  I have 2 more trips planned in the next couple month and am looking foward to spending more time with him :)
We will be back in Washington in 2 days! I have not seem my family (other then my mom in these past couple of days) and am very much looking forward to just spending time and hanging out with them. I will be looking for a job with a airline this fall and in the mean time i will be working a summer job somewhere while Stephen will be off playing baseball for the summer.  Im so happy to be on my way back home and am looking forward to these next few months as we get settled in.